Yummy Summer Recipes

Summer is officially in full swing! As we sit here in our office trying to fight those mid-week blues, naturally we began to discuss our plans for dinner. When we couldn't think of anything we can all cook other than spaghetti, we figured it was time to look up some more recipes. So, after a few calls to our moms and culinary genius friends, we think we've come up with an easy and delicious summer meal, sure to please everyone!


Appetizer- Layer Salad. 

Our marketing intern has had this same salad for lunch the past few days and swears by it (she's also an extremely picky-eater, so if she can enjoy it, anyone can). It's so easy to make!


1. layer the bottom of a bowl with some romaine lettuce, sprinkle with kosher salt and pepper. 

2. Add a layer of baby spinach

3. Add a few (2-4) sliced hard boiled eggs

4. Add a layer of your favorite veggies. We love peas, carrots, tomatoes and cucumber but you can add whatever you like!

5. Chop up some bacon and sprinkle it in (our marketing intern suggests mixing up your protein, grilled salmon or tofu are also delicious!


Now you have a delicious, colorful salad to enjoy!



Entrée: Shish Kabobs


A classic summer staple, we love shish kabobs because you can really get creative with them. You can mix and match your protein, veggies and sauces for a new meal each time.


1.     Place your protein and half of your marinade in a resealable bag in the fridge over night. For our marinade we use teriyaki sauce with 2 teaspoons of garlic powder, 2 teaspoons of ground ginger, and half a cup of soy sauce.

2.     On metal or soaked wooden skewers (it’s VERY important to soak your wooden skewers in water BEFORE putting them on the grill!!) , attach vegetables, protein, and then pineapple. We use red and green peppers, onion, and zucchini.

3.     Grill, covered, over medium heat until vegetables are tender and protein reaches desired doneness, 12-15 minutes, turning occasionally, with tongs.. very carefully.

4.     In a small saucepan, bring the rest of your marinade to a boil, stirring occasionally; cook 1 minute. Remove vegetables, pineapple and beef from skewers before serving. Serve with sauce and enjoy!



Dessert- Fruit Pizza


This is our absolute favorite! We love how delicious it is, and we can convince ourselves that it’s healthy with all of the fruit on top.


1.     For your pizza crust, use 1 roll of sugar cookies and form them into a large circle. Bake as directed

2.     Your sauce will be a package of cream cheese, 1/3 cup of sugar (the sugar isn’t entirely necessary, if you’re trying to eat healthy) and ½ a teaspoon of vanilla extract. Spread the “sauce” over your cooled cookie crust.

3.     Arrange cut up fruit in any pattern you’d like. We suggest kiwi, strawberries, blueberries and grapes, but any fruit will work.

4.     If you’d like, you can drizzle some honey or sprinkle some sugar over your pizza for extra sweetness.

5.     Refrigerate for 1 hour and enjoy!