A Letter To Our Moms

Mother's Day is just around the corner (tomorrow!), and the team here at Girard Homes would like to take the time to say a few things to our moms, and to all of the moms out there. 

Thank you for believing in us. Sometimes it feels like the universe is actively working against us and we don't even believe in ourselves; but you are always there. Always. Thank you for that support, we wouldn't be where we are today if it weren't for you.

Thank you for being so understanding. You always seem to understand our problems or issues before we do. Your empathy and advice has gotten us all through some really rough patches. Thank you for also understanding that even though we all want more than anything to be home with you this weekend (and every weekend), we have our responsibilities that require us to be away from each other for a while. We wish we could spend everyday with you.

Thank you for raising us to be the adults we are today. We know it wasn't easy. Raising just one of us is enough of a task, but you raised us and our siblings with grace. As young adults, we are a reflection of you, and not to toot our own horns but, we really like our reflections.

Thank you for helping us with everything, even if it bores you. Math homework, history exams, college essays, and resumes have all been double and triple checked by you and your red pen. You may have thought that now we're (almost) out of college that you would be able to retire that red pen. Sorry Mom, but you thought wrong. You're constantly being texted and called for your opinion on design options, locations for new homes, print ads and even blog posts. Thank you.

Thank you for so many things, but most of all, thank you for loving us.

To the Girard Homes moms, and to any mom who may be reading this, thank you for everything, Happy Mother's Day, we love you.