Essential Back to School Tips!
/Can you believe it's already August 1st? We sure can't, we thought we were missing a week on our calendars. Now that it's August, it's time to start preparing for the new school year! *Cue the collective groans from kids and cheers from parents* Here are a few easy tips to make the transition back to school a little bit easier.
Get Organized- We all know what it's like to be rushing out the door, already late for school or work and suddenly somebody can't find their shoes. Small storage boxes underneath a stylish bench help you stay organized without wasting any space. We love this beautiful (and comfortable!) bench with a shoe rack beneath it, perfect for laundry or mud rooms! Also be sure to have a designated place to hang keys and backpacks each day so you can rush out of the house with ease.
Organize Clothing- This is another tip to make mornings just a bit easier. Pick your (or your kiddos') outfits the night before so there are no fashion emergencies on busy mornings. Girard Homes' beautiful and spacious closets make it a cinch to see all of your options, while giving you enough space to seperate your outfits for the next morning.
Our spacious closet at our new home for sale in The Gates community!
Have a Designated School Work Area- It's harder and harder to avoid distractions and focus on work when you need to. Alleviate some of the difficulties with focusing by setting up a specific area in your home for kids to work at. It could be your dining room or your breakfast bar, but just be sure to create a distraction free zone!
Our breakfast bar at our model home is the perfect space to finish up any school work!